dinsdag 21 mei 2013

Hakenkruisvlag in Palestijns dorp

Zelfs in Israel zijn al eens neo-nazi's opgepakt (kinderen van Russische immigranten die vanwege een Joodse verwantschap waren toegelaten). Onderstaande lijkt ook een provocatie van enkele extremisten, ditmaal blijkbaar van Arabische komaf. Hoewel Hitler en het nazisme zeker geen taboe zijn in de Arabische wereld (Mein Kampf en de Protocollen van de Wijzen van Zion zijn bestsellers), zijn uitspraken als "The Arabs no longer feel the need to hide their murderous tendencies" op zijn zachtst gezegd wat erg generaliserend.

Swastika flag flies over Palestinian village

The Tazpit News Agency has provided an image of a Nazi flag flying over the Palestinian village of Beit Ummar in the West Bank

by The Commentator on 20 May 2013 10:35

Israel's Tazpit News Agency this morning reported that hundreds of residents of the Gush Etzion area were "astounded" to find a Nazi flag flying next to a mosque in the Palestinian town of Beit Ummar. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were notified immediately, claims the report.

The flag, as can be seen from the image provided, was found by residents who were driving to Jerusalem on Monday morning. Reports suggest the flag had been up on the pole since "early morning hours". As of two hours ago, the flag remained.

Local resident Uri Arnon told Tazpit: "I felt we were going back 75 years, losing our hold on the land. The Arabs no longer feel the need to hide their murderous tendencies, announcing out loud that they wish to destroy us."

An IDF spokesman said that the flag was hung on an electrical line, and that they were wating to proffesionals to come and remove it.

Gush Etzion is a cluster of Israeli settlements south of Jerusalem in the West Bank. It consists of around 70,000 people.

Beit Ummar has a population of around 15,000 citizens and straddles Areas B and C, allowing for both Palestinian civil authority, but Israeli control in part. 


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