maandag 18 februari 2013

Waarschuwingsborden tegen stenengooiers op Westelijke Jordaanoever

Kolonisten op de Westelijke Jordaanoever klagen al jaren over Palestijns geweld waaronder het bekogelen van auto's met stenen en vuurbommen, en het gebrek aan actie door de IDF om hier een eind aan te maken. Er worden nu zelfs waarschuwingsborden geplaatst langs de gevaarlijkste wegen.
Een betere oplossing was wellicht als ze zouden vertrekken uit het gebied waar de meerderheid van de inwoners hen niet wil hebben, en waar ze volgens de internationale gemeenschap geen recht op hebben. Waarom wachten op een vredesakkoord dat er ooit van moet komen? Elders (bv. in Israel) wacht een veiliger en duurzamer toekomst...

New Samaria Road Sign Warns of Rock, Firebomb Attacks

Drivers through roads in Samaria are likely to come across a new road sign that they are unlikely to see on roads in other parts of Israel.

By David Lev

First Publish: 2/11/2013, 5:46 PM

The new sign

Samaria Residents Council 


Drivers through roads in Samaria are likely to come across a new road sign, one that they are unlikely to see on roads in other parts of Israel. The sign, designed by the Samaria Residents Council, warns drivers that they are in danger of being attacked by rocks and firebombs. 


The sign has a drawing of anindividual preparing to throw rocks, apparently at a passing vehicle. The sign's text says “Warning, drive quickly, Arabs throw firebombs in this area.” The sign, says the Council, points out the immediate dangers faced by drivers in Samaria. 


The first signs have been posted on Road 55 in central Samaria, between the towns of Alfe Menashe and Ma'ale Shomron. That section of road passes near the Arab village of Azzun, long a trouble spot in western Samaria, the source of numerous rock throwing and terror attacks. 


Over the past three months, the Council said, there has been an average of one large rock or firebomb attack on Road 55 daily. “If the IDF cannot or will not deal with this we have no option but to warn drivers of the situation via these signs,” the Council said. 


A particularly serious attack took place last Friday, when Arabs attacked a seven-month pregnant woman with large rocks near Maale Shomron. Miraculously, the woman was not killed, but only injured when a rock pierced her vehicle's windshield, sending glass flying. In the wake of the attack, residents of Maale Shomron and neighboring Karnei Shomron held an angry protest on Road 55 on Saturday night, demanding that the army do more to stop the phenomenon.


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