vrijdag 15 juni 2012

Volwassen word je niet met een sigaret maar met een machinegeweer, volgens VN-gesubsidieerde Palestijnse poppenkast


Met steun van de VN, het Franse consulaat, een Zwitserse ontwikkelingsorganisatie en diverse anderre organisaties, roept een Palestijnse organisatie kinderen op hun sigaretten te vervangen door machinegeweren. Prachtige boodschap, waar de anti-rooklobby blijkbaar erg mee in zijn nopjes is. Je zou zeggen dat het vredeskamp er minder blij mee is, maar die heb ik er om een of andere reden nog niet over gehoord.





PalArab kids told to replace cigarettes with machine guns - in UN funded program



From Palestinian Media Watch:

Puppet 1: "I wanted to stand before the audience and sing to Jerusalem, which is being kept from us. Jerusalem, whose youth are being killed by the Jews. To sing and to say: Jerusalem,we are coming, Jerusalem, the time of death has arrived. Jerusalem, we will not surrender to the enemies or be humiliated." 

Puppet 2: "What am I doing to myself [by smoking]? I, and many other youth like me, think that through cigarettes we will be adults and men. Jerusalem doesn't need youth who hold cigarettes. It needs men who hold machine guns, not cigarettes." 

Note: According to the Burj Luq Luq Center's website where the puppet show was held, they are funded and have ties to the French Consulate, the Swiss Development Agency, the Italian Institutions' Union, the UNFPA, the [PA] Ministry of Youth and Sports, UNICEF and UNESCO.


This puppet show is on their main webpage.

Here's part of their "Sources of Funding" partners webpage:

And while they are not listed, they have an entire section dedicated to the American Friends Service Committee, the "non-violent" anti-Israel Quaker group.


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