zaterdag 23 juni 2012

Palestijns handboek voor terminologie: noem terreur verzet


Het Palestijnse ministerie van Informatie heeft een boekje uitgegeven waarin de correcte termen voor een aantal zaken wat betreft Israel en het conflict staan beschreven. Men wil de 'verdorven' Israelische termen vervangen door de correcte Palestijnse. Zo mag je geen Israel zeggen, want daarmee legitimeer je deze staat als zou zij natuurlijk zijn, maar moet je spreken van 'de koloniale onderneming'. Terrorisme is natuurlijk verzet, zelfmoordaanslagen 'martyrdom-seeking operations, de klaagmuur heet Al Buraq, de Davidster de Zespuntige ster en Oost Jeruzalem Arabisch Jeruzalem. Allemaal redelijk voorspelbaar, maar uit het gehele boekje en de terminologie blijkt duidelijk dat men Israel in het geheel niet erkent, en niet allen de Westbank, maar heel Israel als bezet gebied ziet dat eigenlijk de Palestijnen toebehoort.

Uit de introductie:


"Political, cultural and media terminology has been a fundamental tool in the Arab-Palestinian/ Zionist-Israeli conflict throughout the past century...

[Today,] Israeli and American spreading of [these] poisoned terms continues, with its penetration through the media into broad spheres of world public opinion. Even more dangerous, however, is the penetration of the poisoned terms into Arab and Palestinian public opinion, which is drawn into the trap of using them, without careful examination ...

As the Israeli terminology acts to distort the Palestinian national struggle, it turns the essence of the Zionist endeavor from a racist, colonialist endeavor into an endeavor of self-definition and independence for the Jewish People...

In April 2009, the Ministry of Information held a symposium on the subject of terminology in culture, politics and the media... We have collected [the correct terms] in order to publish them here, so that they can be an important addition to our ongoing struggle, since the beginning of the previous century, to chase away the occupation and the establishment of our independent Palestinian state..."


Antzionisten hebben de mond vol over Israelische propaganda, maar de Palestijnen kunnen er dus ook wat van. Als Israel zo'n boekje zou hebben uitgebracht, weet ik zeker dat er sappige stukjes over in de NRC en diverse andere media zouden verschijnen, wijzend op de geoliede propagandamachine van Israel en haar invloed in het westen. In werkelijkheid zie je juist dat een deel van de Palestijnse termen aan invloed wint, hoe belachelijk sommige ook zijn, en dat het Palestijnse narratief, dat het zionisme in essentie agressief was en de Palestijnen doelbewust zijn verdreven uit het land, aan terrein wint. Dat juist deze visie op propaganda berust en op het werk van historici die zelf al zeggen dat het ze niet om de feiten gaat maar het opkomen voor de in hun ogen zwakkere partij, wordt uiteraard genegeerd.





Bron: PMW



The Palestinian Authority Ministry of Information has published a book instructing Palestinians which words to use and calling to replace "the Israeli and American dissemination of poisoned terms." The book, which is called Terminology in Media, Culture and Politics, includes a chart with the "poisoned terms" to be replaced by Palestinian terms.


This book and the chosen terms are significant as they officially and accurately reflect PA beliefs, policies and ideologies. As Palestinian Media Watch has documented for years, when speaking to its own people the PA adamantly denies Israel's right to exist and glorifies the murder of Israelis and Jews, including civilians, as heroic "resistance." This terminology guide issued by the PA reiterates the official PA positions that foreign governments and the international media often don't understand, deny, or ignore.


PA denies Israel's right to exist - reflected in terminology

The PA does not recognize Israel's right to exist. Accordingly, the introduction to the PA Ministry of Information's book stresses that Palestinians must avoid language that recognizes Israel's existence as "natural." Using the Israeli terminology:

"turns the essence of the Zionist endeavor (i.e., Israeli statehood) from a racist, colonialist endeavor into an endeavor of self-definition and independence for the Jewish People."


Palestinians are encouraged to use terms that indicate that Israel is the result of "a racist, colonialist endeavor," and the book instructs Palestinians never to use the name "Israel" alone but instead to use the term "Israeli colonialism." To use "Israel" by itself is wrong, according to the PA, because it "describes Israel as a natural state."


Killing Israeli civilians is not terror but "resistance"

A second fundamental of PA ideology is to refuse to accept that Palestinian attacks that kill Israelis, including suicide bombings against civilians, are terror. Therefore, the PA has chosen the following terms to replace all references to terror that Israel and the world use:


Israeli term

Palestinian Arab term

(Palestinian) Terror


(Palestinian) Terrorist

Resistance member

Suicide (bombing) operations

Martyrdom-seeking operations

Palestinian violence

Legitimate resistance

Person who was killed

Martyr (Shahid)

Reciprocal violence

Resistance response


The PA refuses to recognize Israel's fight against Palestinian terror as self-defense. Through its terminology, it attempts to delegitimize Israeli security structures and defense measures by replacing the following terms:

Israeli term

Palestinian Arab term

Israeli Minister of Defense

Israeli Minister of War

IDF - Israeli Defense Forces

Israeli occupation forces

Separation fence

Racist separation fence


The PA refuses to refer to Israel's Arab citizens as 'Israeli Arabs' or 'Arab Israelis'. The Ministry of Information writes:

"The alternative term for 'Israeli Arabs' is 'the Palestinian people in the '48 territories.'"


The term "'48 territories" is another Palestinian Authority euphemism intended to deny recognition of Israel and is used to replace all references to land in Israel. The term "'48 territories" is actually a shortened term for the full expression used by the PA: "the Palestinian territories occupied in 1948."


Part of the PA's denial of Israel's right to exist includes its refusal to acknowledge thousands of years of Jewish history and culture in the Land of Israel. The book includes Palestinian expressions that should be used to replace Israeli terminology related to history and tradition:


Israeli term

Palestinian Arab term

Star of David

Six-pointed star

Wailing (Western) Wall

Al-Buraq Wall

Temple Mount

Noble Sanctuary of Jerusalem

The Promised Land

The Land of Palestine

Judea and Samaria (Biblical terms)

The occupied West Bank


This book issued by the PA Ministry of Information is significant because it states and confirms in an official PA document what Palestinian Media Watch has been documenting for years: that the PA terminology that is used by PA leaders and their controlled media is significant and carefully chosen and reflects PA opinions and policy.


The following are more examples from the book published by the PA Ministry of Information that appears on the ministry's website:


Book title: Terminology in Media, Culture and Politics

By: Ministry of Information 


"Political, cultural and media terminology has been a fundamental tool in the Arab-Palestinian/ Zionist-Israeli conflict throughout the past century...

[Today,] Israeli and American spreading of [these] poisoned terms continues, with its penetration through the media into broad spheres of world public opinion. Even more dangerous, however, is the penetration of the poisoned terms into Arab and Palestinian public opinion, which is drawn into the trap of using them, without careful examination ...

As the Israeli terminology acts to distort the Palestinian national struggle, it turns the essence of the Zionist endeavor from a racist, colonialist endeavor into an endeavor of self-definition and independence for the Jewish People...

In April 2009, the Ministry of Information held a symposium on the subject of terminology in culture, politics and the media... We have collected [the correct terms] in order to publish them here, so that they can be an important addition to our ongoing struggle, since the beginning of the previous century, to chase away the occupation and the establishment of our independent Palestinian state..."


"Appendix (1) - Political terms related to the Arab-Israeli conflict

First - Israeli colonialism

This term ["Israeli colonialism"] is seen as forbidden and indecent among the Israeli people and state, except for an elite group of scholars and a few 'new historians'... It is surprising that the Arab and Palestinian political and media discourse does not include the term 'colonialism' in describing the State of Israel. Political discourse, both extremist and moderate, describes Israel as a natural state, and does not attach the term 'colonialism' to it."


Other terms in the PA ministry's chart:

Israeli term

Palestinian Arab term

(Israeli) Redeployment

Withdrawal from occupied territory


The Palestinian People

The Palestinian Authority

The Palestinian National Authority

PA autonomous areas

Liberated Palestinian territory

East Jerusalem

Arab Jerusalem

Disputed territory

Occupied territory

Return (of refugees)

Right of return (of refugees)

Palestinian demands

Palestinian rights

Israeli authorities

Israeli occupation authorities

Israeli prisons

Israeli occupation prisons

The Green Line

1967 borders


The book is currently available for reading on the PA Ministry of Information's website

[, accessed June 18, 2012]


The Palestinian population has been using these guidelines, even before they were formalized in the book. One example was a PA TV show that discussed terminology last year that included the following statement by a Palestinian journalist and examples of terms that ought to be used instead of the incorrect terms..


PA TV host: "Let's look at some terms, which most of the journalists err [in using] and use in their reports and articles":


List on the screen, read aloud:


Israeli term

Palestinian Arab term

"Negotiations are the only way"

"Negotiations are one of the ways"


"The Israeli colonialist occupation"

"Nakba" (i.e., "Catastrophe,"
Palestinian term for Israel's establishment)

"Ethnic cleansing"





"Separation fence"

"Racist separation wall"

"[Palestinian] casualties"


[PA TV (Fatah), June 16 and Sept. 8, 2011]


Another example showing the use of these terms by the general population was the interview given by terrorist Ahlam Tamimi that was broadcast on PA TV after she was released in the Gilad Shalit exchange deal between Israel and Hamas. Tamimi chose the target and then led the suicide bomber to the Sbarro pizza shop in Jerusalem in August 2001. 15 people were murdered in the suicide bombing, 8 of them children.


During the interview, Tamimi repeatedly referred to the suicide bomber as a "Martyrdom-seeker" and the suicide bombing as a "Martyrdom-seeking operation" - exactly as the Ministry of Information recommends:  


Ahlam Tamimi: "My mission was just to choose the place and to bring the Martyrdom-seeker (i.e., the suicide bomber). [I made] the general plan of the operation, but carrying it out was entrusted to the Martyrdom-seeker."

Ahlam Tamimi: "I told him to enter the restaurant, eat a meal, and then after 15 minutes carry out the Martyrdom-seeking operation. My job was to realize, for this Martyrdom-seeker, the happy life [i.e., Afterlife of bliss promised to Martyrs] that he wanted."

Interviewer: "Didn't you think about the people who were in the restaurant? The children? The families?"

Ahlam Tamimi: "No."

Interviewer: "Do you know how many children were killed in the restaurant?"

Ahlam Tamimi: "Three children were killed in the operation, I think."

Interviewer: "Eight."

Ahlam Tamimi: "Eight?! (she smiles) Eight."  

[PA TV (Fatah) Oct. 23, 2011]


Likewise, the Palestinian Authority terminology and teaching have always defined Israel as illegitimate and a foreign colonial project, as the ministry recommends. The following are past examples from official PA TV and its daily newspaper:


Political advisor to PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, Omar Al-Ghoul:

"Israel is a country that was founded on aggression and colonialism..."

[PA TV (Fatah), April 8, 2011]


"Professor Samih Hamouda, of the political science department at Bir Zeit University, presented an analysis of the research papers written by President Mahmoud Abbas on the subject of Zionist ideology... 'In the President's research, the Zionist movement is not Jewish, nor does it flow from the desires of the Jews themselves. Rather, it is an imperialist colonialist movement which sought to use the Jews and to enlist them to further the western colonialist plans.'"

[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 27, 2010]


"The Zionist state is an unnatural implant, the result of a colonialist settlement project... It was set down as a fact on the ground to serve colonialist purposes..."

[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Columnist Adel Abd Al-Rahman, Nov. 4, 2011]


On PA TV history program Witnesses and Testimonies:

Palestinian scholar Khaled Ayed: "The Zionist enterprise in its entirety is essentially a settlement enterprise which began at the end of the 19th century... establishing colonies."

Lebanese scholar Mas'oud Zaher: "The Zionist enterprise is an integral part of the imperialist plan to seize the Arab homeland and other parts of the world."

[PA TV (Fatah), May 19, 2011]


An official Palestinian Authority schoolbook likewise teaches children to identify Israel as an example of colonialism:

"Colonialism: Palestine faced the British occupation after the First World War in 1917, and the Israeli occupation in 1948."

[National Education, sixth grade, p. 16, PA schoolbook currently in use. - accessed June 18, 2012]


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