vrijdag 25 november 2011

Yassar Arafat herdacht door Palestijnse TV


Vorige week was de jaarlijkse herdenking van de dood van Arafat, die bij velen in het Westen bekend staat als de man die de Palestijnen op de kaart zette en bereid was te onderhandelen met Israel. In Israel staat hij vooral bekend als de man die zelfmoordterrorisme in woord en daad steunde, continu met twee tongen sprak en de Palestijnen ophitste tot geweld, en miljoenen aan donorgeld verkwanselde. Hieronder een video die weinig aan duidelijkheid te wensen overlaat wat betreft de vraag hoe de Palestijnse Autoriteit hem herinnert en welke waarden ze via zijn herdenking wil overdragen. 





PA Arafat music video extols peace.... Just kidding!




From Palestinian Media Watch:


On the recent anniversary of Yasser Arafat's death, official Palestinian Authority TV produced and broadcast a music video praising Arafat.

The lyrics of the song glorify death, describing how "death for the sake of Palestine is good," and how "I have poured the blood of self-sacrifice on your path."

The song honors Arafat as someone who was "friends with the rifle," who "declared the revolution and continued to fight," "did not tire," and "did not give up on the principles."

The music video commemorating Arafat was broadcast daily for a week on PA TV, which is directly under the control of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' office. 



Yasser Arafat - I have written your name in my heart,

I have poured the blood of self-sacrifice on your path.

How can I forget my nation's catastrophe (i.e., establishment of Israel) as I say: Death for the sake of Palestine is good.


All the soldiers stood at attention.

They stood at your grave, saluting you

with the weapon of rebellion loaded,

with bullets which flew and greeted you.


Yasser and the rifle were friends as testified by [fights in] the trenches and alleys.

The homeland cries out "I'm missing [you]" and the nation speaks and eulogizes you, Yasser. All the soldiers stood at attention.


You declared the revolution and continued to fight. No, you did not tire.

You did not give up on the principles. The heavier your burden, the more it strengthened you, Yasser. All the soldiers stood at attention.


We swear at your grave, by Allah, not to forget your name and your oath.

We have not abandoned your weapon. Your oath is an obligation which we will carry out, Yasser. All the soldiers stood at attention.


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