donderdag 3 november 2011

Nieuwste enquete: Palestijnen willen geen vrede en tweestatenoplossing


Stel, Israel geeft de gehele Westbank op en ook heel Oost Jeruzalem en zelfs de Klaagmuur en de Tempelberg, allemaal voor de Palestijnen. Zouden zij dan accepteren dat de miljoenen nakomelingen van de vluchtelingen niet naar Israel maar naar de nieuwe Palestijnse staat zullen terugkeren, en daarnaast financiele compensatie krijgen? Het antwoord van zo’n 90% van de Palestijnen daarop is ‘nee’. Dan maar geen vrede, dan maar geen eigen staat, dan maar geen onafhankelijkheid. Alles of niets. En met ‘alles’ bedoel ik letterlijk alles, want met dit zogenaamde ‘recht op terugkeer’ is er geen plaats meer voor Joodse zelfbeschikking. En dus is het steeds niets. Opvallend genoeg meent meer dan de helft dat vrede wanneer hun kinderen groot zijn mogelijk of zelfs waarschijnlijk is. Men verwacht wellicht dat de VN en internationale gemeenschap hun voorwaarden aan Israel gaan opleggen. Helaas werd niet gevraagd hoe die vrede er concreet uit zal zien. 





Uit een poll op de website van IMRA:

Issue of the Palestinian Refugees
In regard to the question: “Do you think that Palestinians – in exchange for 
having their own independent state and concluding a peace deal with Israel – 
should give up their insistence about the Right of Return, which Israel will 
never accept, or not ?”, the striking majority of (89.8%) answered:”No, they 
shouldn’t do that even if no peace deal would be concluded”, whilst only 
(6.8%) said “Yes, Palestinians should do that”, and (3.4%) said “ I don’t 

And responding to the question: “In case the Palestinian leadership would 
waive the Right of Return and accept in exchange for that the monetary 
compensation, would you accept that too, or refuse it ?”, (89.5%) said “I 
would refuse that”, whilst only (7.3%) said “I would accept that” and (3.2%) 
said “I don’t know”.

Resumption of the Peace Negotiations
Responding to the question: “In general, do you support or oppose the 
resumption of the peace negotiations between the Palestinians and the 
Israelis under the present conditions ?”, (16.0%) said “ I support”, (45.9%) 
said “between both alternatives” (they are undecided yet), (32.9%) said “ I 
oppose” and (5.2%) said “I don’t know”.

And asked to respond to the question: “Which of the following ways or 
options, according to your opinion, is the best for ending the occupation 
and establishing a Palestinian state: a) the negotiations up to the reaching 
of a deal between the Palestinians and the Israelis, (b) the non-violent 
resistance (peaceful popular demos), (c) working along with/ through the 
United Nations, (d) to hold an international conference that is authorized 
to impose a solution on all parties concerned, (e) violence, military 
actions, or (f) otherwise ?”, (17.6%) said “the negotiations up to the 
reaching of a deal between the Palestinians and the Israelis”, (20.9%) “the 
non-violent resistance (peaceful popular demos)”, (23.4%) said “working 
along with and through the United Nations”, (17.9%) said “by holding an 
international conference that is authorized to impose a solution on all 
parties concerned”, (5.5%) said “violence, military actions”, (10.5%) 
“otherwise”, and (4.2%) said “ I don’t know”.

Peace between Palestinians and Israelis
With respect to the question:”Now think of the future when your child 
becomes your age. Do you think there would be at that time peace between the 
Israelis and the Palestinians ?”, (12.0%) answered “yes, definitely”, 
(15.1%) “it’s most likely”, (28.4%) “it’s possible”, (27.7%) “it’s unlikely”, 
(15.8%) “definitely no” and (0.9%) said “ I don’t know”.

Options in case the Palestinians’ efforts fail to obtain UN full membership
Responding to the question: “ Assuming that the Palestinians’ efforts to 
achieve a full member seat at the UN fail, which of the following options 
you think is likely to take place to handle the Palestinian affairs, a) 
dissolution of the Palestinian Authority and placing the international 
community before the liabilities of the legal vacuum that would result from 
the dissolution of the Palestinian Authority and administering the 
resistance through the Palestinian factions, b) unilateral declaration of a 
Palestinian state and escalation of the resistance, c) keeping the status of 
the Palestinian Authority as it’s now, but developing new strategies for a 
better handling of the Palestinian issues ?”, (33.9%) said “option (a)”, 
(29.9%) “option (b)”, (20.3%) incline to “option (c)” and (15.9%) said “I 
don’t know”.


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