vrijdag 9 september 2011

Toename terroristische aanvallen tegen Israel in augustus

Na een vrij rustige periode was er in augustus weer veel geweld. Er werden 134 mortieren en raketten op Israel afgevuurd en er vonden ook een aantal aanslagen plaats, waarbij die bij Eilat heeft geleid tot zeven doden. Er zijn inmiddels twee Gazanen en twee Egyptenaren gearresteerd in verband met die aanslag.
Ook werd woensdag bekend gemaakt dat er een grote aanslag in Jeruzalem is verijdeld (zie bericht onder eerste bericht). De bereidheid tot het plegen van aanslagen en de organisatie zijn dus nog duidelijk aanwezig onder de Palestijnen.



In August 2011, there were 178 terrorist attacks carried out against Israel
- a significant increase from the 53 that occurred in July.

The data was published in a monthly report released by the Israel Security Agency.

134 of the terrorist events were rocket or mortar attacks.

The main source of the increase was from the Gaza Strip, from which 135 attacks originated in August, compared to 20 in July.

The most noteworthy terrorist attack that occurred last month took place on August 18 on the Israel-Egypt border north of Eilat. Eight Israelis (six civilians and two security forces members) were killed in that attack and 29 were wounded.

An increase in terrorist attacks also occurred in Judea and Samaria, where 30 attacks occurred in August, compared to 25 in July.

In Jerusalem, there was a slight decrease, with six attacks in August, compared to eight in July.

On August 29, a Palestinian seized control of a taxi cab in Tel Aviv and ran into a number of people. He also stabbed people before being arrested.

One Israeli was killed when a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip exploded in Be'er Sheva on August 20.

Overall, nine Israelis were killed and 55 wounded in terrorist attacks in August.

During August, 145 rockets and 46 mortars were fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip, compared to 20 rockets and two mortars in July.


On Wednesday (September 7), it was released for publication that the IDF, Israel Security Agency and Israel Police prevented a major terrorist attack in Jerusalem last month.

The attack was thwarted after a terrorist had already entered Jerusalem planning to activate an explosive device on a bus or at a shopping mall in the Pisgat Ze'ev neighborhood.

The attack was prevented through joint operations by the IDF, ISA and police. During those operations, members of 13 terrorist cells (around 100
terrorists) were arrested. The detained terrorists included some senior operatives.

The ISA has noted that Hamas has been trying to rehabilitate its military infrastructure in Judea and Samaria in order to carry out attacks against Israeli targets.

According to the ISA, Hamas leadership abroad (in Syria, Saudi Arabia and Turkey) has provided funding, guidance and training for the establishment of terrorist infrastructure. Hamas in the Gaza Strip has been involved as well, attempting to move weaponry into Judea and Samaria and providing funding for terrorist activities.

Questioning of detained terrorists has revealed that they were instructed to carry out a kidnapping in order to bargain for the release of prisoners.


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