vrijdag 9 september 2011

J Street ziet erkenning VN van Palestijnse staat niet zitten


Jstreet is behoorlijk kritisch tegenover Israel, en heeft eerder gepleit voor een hardere lijn van de VS regering tegenover Israel. Over problemen aan Palestijnse kant heb ik ze zelden gehoord, terwijl die er toch zeker zijn: geweld, verheerlijking van geweld in de media en moskeëen, vasthouden aan het 'recht op terugkeer' van meer dan vier miljoen nakomelingen van de vluchtelingen, weigering de Joden als volk te zien en hun nationale rechten te erkennen, weigeren zonder tig voorwaarden vooraf te gaan onderhandelen, oproepen tot allerlei boycots, etc. etc.

Maar nu is Jstreet het met Israel, de VS en vele anderen eens dat de eenzijdige staatsuitroeping van de Palestijnen en de vraag om erkenning door de VN niet verstandig is:


"J Street does not support the Palestinian effort to become a member of the United Nations at this time because we do not believe that, in the current context, it will advance peace, enhance security and improve conditions on the ground", the organization officials wrote in the position paper.




J Street opposes Palestinian statehood bid at UN


Leftist pro-Israel group says it aligns with U.S. position that Palestinian UN bid will not advance peace.

By Natasha Mozgovaya 


The pro-Israel organization J Street decided to reject the Palestinian statehood bid in its new position paper on Thursday, aligning with the Obama administration's position to oppose the unilateral move.

In the recent days, many left-wing Jewish organizations in the United States were cautious about endorsing the Palestinian bid at the United Nations, and J Street ultimately decided to reject the move.

"J Street does not support the Palestinian effort to become a member of the United Nations at this time because we do not believe that, in the current context, it will advance peace, enhance security and improve conditions on the ground", the organization officials wrote in the position paper.

"J Street therefore supports the U.S. intention to veto such an effort in the Security Council. We urge an assertive American and international diplomatic initiative that could lead the Palestinians to defer their approach to the UN by jumpstarting efforts to reach a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."

J Street stressed that its goal is the realization of the two-state solution, and the creation of a Palestinian state will not necessarily resolve the conflict. Despite the UN's role in Israel's creation and its important work globally on many issues including humanitarian relief and peacekeeping, the United Nations arouses distrust when it comes to matters related to Israel in the Jewish community.

"While some see UN action as a way to advance prospects for Palestinian statehood, UN action alone cannot and will not resolve the outstanding issues between the parties, nor provide a horizon for reaching an end of conflict and claims. It might well exacerbate already-deepening divides".

J Street stressed that "there is still time for a serious U.S.-led effort to restart focused negotiations before the United Nations convenes in September. If not, then on the morning after any UN vote, the conflict will still need resolving and a two-state solution will be all the more necessary."


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